The Golden Nox

X-Men: Mutant Academy: Part 2

poster: Nacey
date: 27 June 2001, 12:41am EST

Dude. The place is crawling with new students. When I saw Logan he was real sour as well, mumbling some crap about naked girls (Whatever the hell that was about) but Johnny filled me in about that. Some chick had the gall to sit there totally naked in front of Logan in the sauna. Then Rogue found them. Ha. Glad I wasn't there to see that.

That's the thing that bewilders me. Logan has the same damn mutation powers that I have (sort of - sure, mine are far more feline) and he gets girls walking around naked in front of him. He has the whole animal magnetism going. I think I have it but nooo... I get cat toys for my birthday and bags of catnip shoved under my nose. It wouldn't be so funny if I didn't actually *react* to the shit.

It's sunset, and I always get restless around now. The patches of fur along my arms, shoulders and thighs stand on end and I feel like generally ripping up shit. The bad thing is, I have claws. I really need to use 'em once in a while. I had my usual training session in the Danger Room, and hung out with Hank McCoy in his lab afterwards. Sadly, I'm still in a mood. Stupid wild cat instincts.

I loped easily into the dining hall, retrieving a nice fat juicy steak for dinner and some vegetables. The younger students were all congregating around a table where Rogue sat. Jubes and Kitty were nearby. As I passed them, Kitty blew a kiss (we had a comradary thing going due to the whole cat thing) and Jubes ruffled my hair and meowed. I growled at her, and she grinned. Cassandrea was there too, and I nodded at her in acknowledgement.

"Hey guys," I said, finding an empty spot next to St. John and placing down my plate. "What's new?"

"Her," said Cassandrea. "Max, this is Sarah. She just arrived today."

I smiled and nodded in her direction before laying into my meal. I was real hungry, and when I ate nothing else existed. Another one of those annoying cat traits I struggle to control.

poster: Jen
date: 27 July 2001, 10:54pm EST

Well, Max is certainly pleasant. I think that might have been a smile. Then again he may just have been showing me his teeth. Big Sharp Teeth. That are just tearing into that steak. At least he’s using a knife and fork. From the looks of those claws he doesn’t really need them. I probably shouldn’t stare, but this is the first mutant looking mutant I’ve seen. And he has fur! Fur!

"You got a problem?"

Shit. He caught me staring. "Uh no. Cool fur."

Max grunted and went back to his steak.

Great. That’s two people here that don’t like me now. Plus the roommate I called a slob and a teacher who ... well, only God knows what he’s thinking. He’s certainly trying to ignore me here. I think I’m batting a thousand. Glove Girl’s probably vindictive enough to make Logan sleep in the couch for a while, which I’m sure will vastly improve his attitude.

Dr. Grey came over to the table, introducing herself and saving me from alienating the blond guy at the table. Yet. "Have you settled in Sarah? Ms. Reina made enough room for your things, I hope," she said casting a pointed look at the young woman who was now quite engrossed by her baked potato. "Ms. Munroe and I can’t take you shopping until Saturday Will you need anything before then?"

"If a tank top and running shorts don’t violate dress code, I’ll be fine."

St. John choked on his potato. The girl paraded naked in front of Logan and she’s concerned about the dress code. Max looked up just long enough to see that his friend wasn’t dying before returning to his dinner.

"I’m sure Ms. Reina can loan you some warmer clothes until then. She has quite a closet."

Cassie blushed and stabbed at her potato mercilessly. So she was a bit of a clothes hound. That was only because she never threw out a thing, but that bitch didn’t need to say it like that. And volunteering her to share her clothes. That just wasn’t cool. Not that she wouldn’t have offered herself, but to have Jean offer for her... what a bitch.

"Warmth isn’t an issue, ma’am. I’m cold-blooded." Sarah looked at her new roommate as she tortured her potato and frowned. Like her stuff would fit anyway. I’m at least 4 inches shorter and probably three sizes bigger than any of these amazons. I’d have to borrow clothes from the guys to get it over my hips.

"I can take her shopping tomorrow afternoon, Jean. I don’t have classes and Wolvie’s girls gotta stick together, It’ll be a chance for us to bond," Rogue drawled.

Bond my ass. She’s playing with me, but it’s better to keep her in my sight than to wonder what she’s up to behind my back. "Sounds great." I hope my smile doesn’t look as fake as it feels, but from the off look Mr. Logan’s giving me, I doubt it. "I’m out of class by 1400 hours." Blank looks. Civilian time, you idiot. "Two o’clock."

Glove girl is plying me with questions about my past and mutation that I’m doing my best not to answer. Don’t want to give her any advantage. This ‘sweetness and light’ routine of hers is so incredibly fake. Like her hair. Oh yeah, like that’s natural. And that accent is like nails on a chalkboard. But she’s my roommate’s friend and Logan’s lover so I guess I have to play nice.

Too bad nice really isn’t in my vocabulary.

Cassie might actually turn out to be pretty cool, even with the whole slob thing going. That can be fixed. I don’t need her to like fold her clothes right, but trash in the can and clothes in the basket would be a good. She’s picked up the vibe between Glove Girl and I because she invited herself shopping with us and has started babbling about what there is to do around here. Unfortunately, poker and pool are not among the listed options. And somehow I doubt Professor Xavier will be throwing a rave on campus.

My first night is probably too soon to break out of school to go find some real fun. Besides, I don’t know the system yet. A few things have looked a little odd, like the elevators and the main hall. They felt funny and the temp signature was all wrong. Too cold. Like there were other levels beneath or something. Might be a way out. Haveta check it out.

What I really need is to beat the crap out of something. Preferably something that will fight back and bleed. But that’s probably too much to ask. After all, nothing else has gone right today.

poster: nacey
date: 27 July 2001, 10:54pm EST

Jean was doing her fussing mother thing, like she always did, and the girl wasn't taking it obviously. After a moment of her talking to the woman it was easy to tell that she was an army brat. You don't meet too many of those in New York, but I'd met a couple and the free and easy life around here would most likely bewilder and upset a lot of them. Maybe that's why the girl looked so lost. She was staring at my fur though, and I thoughtlessly asked her if she had a problem. It was a defensive question, I should have been a little friendlier considering, but my physical appearance is a sore point for ol' moi.

Truth be told, she also made the mistake of talking to me mid-steak. All I tended to do was grunt, and if I had a tail I would have flicked it a little in acknowledgement. Thankfully, no tail. Just a grunt.

Wolvie's girls. It didn't escape my attention that I was the lone guy amongst Wolverine's entourage of students. The rest tended to be shuffled off to Cyclops. Gee, I wonder ever why? Not. It surprised me that Wolverine didn't give me the disapproving raking glare he gives so many of the other kids around here. He just saw the claws, saw the fur and grunted, "Let's get started then."

Ever since then I'd been little brother. I didn't mind, I like Wolverine and he takes care that I get the most of out my mutation. After the derision and shit that I got before I got here at the school, it was nice.

Army girl was looking dejected. She didn't like Rogue either, I could tell. So... cold blooded? No wonder she smelt funny. She didn't smell too much at all. Most people are warm, and therefor they practically waft a cocktail of scents. She just had a slight one. Hmm. Cool.

Rogue's cool. If Logan was big brother, then Rogue was the cool teenage babysitter that let you get away with things your Mom doesn't know about when she's out. Army-girl didn't like her, but it'd probably change. It'd be hard to dislike Rogue for long.

The girl now looked restless. Very restless. Army-girl, restless, liked boyish clothes. Hmm, have a shot Max.

I turned away from my plate and looked to ... was it Sarah?

"I'm off for some down-time in the Danger Room. You up for some?"

I could see Jean looking worried. Ha. She didn't want me taking a newbie in there. Somehow I had the impression that Sarah could take care of herself.

poster: Amezri
date: 29 July 2001, 1:46am EST

OOC: Thanks to Nacey for the guidance on Jubilee!

"How do I get myself into these things?" Cassandrea sighed. Sarah had left for the Danger Room with Max and probably wouldn't be back for a while. Of course, Jean, who hated the idea of newbies going anywhere before they were properly trained, would probably break it up before Sarah got to see the hi-tech facility.

She spun around to face her computer and opened Instant Messenger. She was feeling chatty and hoped someone was on. "Device not found? What the hell..." Cassandrea went through the system settings, checking and double checking, but with no luck. "Argh! I just reinstalled the ethernet card last week." Letting out a frustrated huff, she went down the hall and knocked on a door, hoping Kitty had a spare network card.

"Cassie, babe! What's up?" a cheerful Jubilee greeted. She was wearing a slinky yellow dress and was in the process of applying her makeup.

/Must have a date with Remy tonight,/ Cassandrea mused. "Hey, Jubes. Is Kitty here? I have a busted network card and I need a new one. 3Comm 10/100 if she's got it. Plus, I think my log-on script with the school network--"

"Whoa, dude! Not my area," Jubilee smiled as she pulled Cassie into the room. "Kitty, you've got a visitor and I've got a date to get ready for," the Queen of Yellow beamed.

"Yeah, no problem," Kitty smiled when Cassandrea had explained the problem again. "You want me to come take a look at that login script?" the brunette asked as she handed over the network card.

It took about half an hour for Kitty and Cassandrea to figure out the problem and correct it. After that, Cassandrea spent an hour checking her e-mail and chatting with Sez.

"So the new girl's having trouble adjusting?" Sez asked.

"Well, dude... think about it this way: her first encounter with her mentor was naked in the sauna.. and Rogue saw them leaving," Cassie typed in response.

"Good point. So where is she now?"

"I don't know. I thought she was in the Danger Room, but she's been gone for over two hours. I hope she hasn't gotten into any trouble."

"Any *more* trouble you mean ;)"

/Yeah,/ Cassandrea hoped. /She's already made an almost-enemy of Rogue. I doubt she could get in much more trouble than that./

poster: Jen
date: 29 July 2001, 1:41pm EST

"Danger room sounds promising. "What’s that, some sort of gym?"

"Better than a gym." Max grinned showing of his canines. "You up for it?"

Maybe today hasn’t been a total loss. Once you get past the fur, he’s pretty cute in a sort of wild kind of way. And there are some fine muscles under that fur. "Bring it on."

"Mr. Stockard, the Danger Room is not for your amusement. It is a training facility."

Dr. Summers is really getting on my nerves. First, she’s rude to my roomie. Which, even if I think she’s a slob, is not cool, and now she’s trying to blow my chances either to beat up this guy or get laid. I’m not sure which one I’m rooting for right now. Maybe both. Either way, I don’t need her interfering. I can take care of myself.

"Sorry kid. She ain’t been checked out in the Danger Room yet."

"I’ll be careful."

"Why don’t you show her around campus instead?"

Summers again. She’s really a pain in the ass. I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh. I wasn’t being too subtle, I know, but wow the Look of Death Mr. Logan just shot me was a bit over the edge. "You can spar in the gym. And Max, you leave a mark on her and you’ll have to deal with me. Got it?"

I really hope that’s just a threat and Mr. Logan isn’t planning on checking. I really don’t need Rogue any more on my ass.

"And kid - " we stopped at the sound of Logan’s voice. "she’s already seen the sauna."

I’m gonna kill that hairy bastard. Once I stop blushing, that is.

poster: nacey
date: 29 July 2001, 8:35pm EST

Damn. I didn't expect Wolvie to get all strict like this, and I sighed, subconsciously digging my claws into the wood that was my chair. The resisting grain felt good against my fingers and I growled a little in my throat. Logan just glared at me and practically bristled. Unlike anyone else around here, Logan and I could communicate via body language alone. My growling and clawing sent him a clear message - "Hot chick, fun times, I wanna go get violent". His growl and glare was perfectly understandible in return. "Don't push it, Kid."

I sighed and motioned Sarah to follow me, and she did, eyes keen and glinting. I couldn't help but blush a bit. I have never been successful with girls. Ever. This one girl I asked out to a school dance looked as though I told her to run through the school naked. Check that. She would have preferred to run through the school naked than to go to a dance with me - any day of the week. She looked so striken, I thought she was going to cry. Then she gripped my front and said "Listen to me Wino, I am not going to the dance with you. I am *never* going to ANY dance with you. You tell *anyone* that you asked me to the dance, I will go the principal and tell her you touched me inappropriately, you got that?" Ha. Got it. Oh, and the 'Wino' thing? They called me that because of the gloves, and the long hair. I guess I looked scruffy, and with the long hair beginning to spread down to my ears and neck, the effect was pretty much set. So the fact that the curvy Sarah was giving me that look (or maybe it was my imagination) was making me feel funny. Act funny. I usually never gnashed at Logan like that, and I could tell he was shitty over it.

We were walking through the gardens, and Sarah was a little puzzled.

"I thought we were going to the gym to spar."

I looked back at her and shrugged, "Yeah where there are crash mats and safety rules and all that crap." I felt like getting down on all fours and really galloping to where I was going. Oh, where I was going? It was somewhere that had things to fight around, to fight under, to hide in. One could hunt there, one could battle there, and it still felt real and exciting. "They never said we couldn't spar in the forest reserve..."

poster: Jen
date: 30 July 2001, 8:56am EST

"Forest? We’re going into the forest?" Where there aren’t mats or safety rules and shit he has claws and, wow, I think I’m over my head, but that seems to be the theme for the day.

"Yeah. That a problem?"

"Not at all. This like hide and seek?" Cause I’m pretty good at that. I used to run exercises at my old school - okay schools - and they never could find me. Even with night vision goggles. It was a no go. I blend right in. Whatever I’m giving away in size and claws, I’ll make up for in invisibility. I can do this.

"Something like that. I’ll give you a head start."

That is quite a grin. Positively feral. I like it.

One last encounter and I’m calling it quits. The temperature is dropping, my clothes are a shredded mess, and I’m about to fall out of this dammed tree. We’ve been out here for hours hiding and running and fighting. I’ve learned more about fighting and woodcraft in the last two hours watching Max move about the woods than I have in the last five years, but Christ I’m tired. At the same time the adrenalin rush is incredible. Fighting’s never been like this before. Always before it was planned, controlled. Even field operations had a plan and safeties. No safeties here.

I thought Max was gonna spazz the first time he caught me across the shoulder with his claws and drew blood. He looked truly scared and very, very sorry. I showed him how the shallow cuts healed right up and, with a little coaxing - okay a right cross - got him back to the game.

What the game is though I’m not quite sure. Scratch that. I know exactly what this is. This is foreplay disguised as a tactical exercise on both our parts. His physiology may be a bit different, but some reactions are unmistakable. What I can’t believe is my reaction. I am not usually such a slut. I mean, we’ve barely spoken a dozen words to each other and here I am hoping he doesn’t freak over the temperature of my skin when he gets what’s left of my clothes off. The last guy I was with said it was like kissing a corpse. Being cold-blooded really blows sometimes.

Ooph. I’m out of my tree and flat on my back. He came outta nowhere and he has me well and truly pinned this time. That’s what you get for daydreaming in the field, stupid. And nope. No mistaking that reaction at all. And I don’t think that hand on my breast has anything to do with keeping me pinned either.

Growl. Don’t know why he’s - hey where’d he ... oh shit.

Mr. Logan found us. And from the growling and snarling, I don’t think he’s too pleased.

poster: nacey
date: 31 July 2001, 8:22am EST

Hoooo shit. Shit. I'm in the deepest shit I think I've ever been in in my life. And crouching over Sarah, my hand on her breast, I'm realising that I got a bit... carried away. Not that I wouldn't want to touch her but... shit. I'm not like this. I'm not a guy that goes to fuck any chick he happens to like. The fact that she didn't mind my disfigurements wasn't it - hell nobody seemed to care around here if you were clawed or blue or green or whatever. I dunno... I guess she knew the hunt. She revelled in it. I lived it every day of my life. It was something. Most girls never understood why I was the way I was, and what little control I had over it. Not that I had much thought to think on it.

Logan's rough hand collared me and he ripped me off of Sarah, throwing me back onto the ground. He pointed at me. "You - big trouble!" He glared at Sarah. "You! Go put some clothes on for God's sakes!"

Sarah got up, eyeing him a moment before letting her blue eyes fall to mine, a secretive smile curving on her lips. "I had fun, Max."

"I'll be talking to you later!" he called after her. His eyes then fell on me, and his hackles were raised again. "I thought you were smarter than this, kid."

I felt my claws roll back, and I swallowed numbly. Logan just rolled his eyes, sitting down on a hollow log in the clearing, scratching a mutton-chop idly.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

I sighed. "I don't know what happened, Wolverine. I jus'... I lost control. I just wanted to run into the woods and throw off my clothes and rip the shit out of something and-"

"Fuck like a bunny," Wolverine finished. I choked.


He sighed and shook his head. "Hey - I'm right, aren't I?"

I only blushed. "Look - I'm never good with girls. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like my body is acting without my mind being able to control it."

"Yeap," Logan nodded, "That's called hormones, and I'm not talkin' the watery crap that your regular mutant and human has to suffer. I'm talking 100 proof wild animal strength pheromones kid. They're waftin' off that girl like she was a hot apple pie and your body is reactin' to it cause that's what it was built to do."

I nodded, my blush turning a deep red and burning my face. I felt so foolish.

"She's probably feeling the heat too, since you're giving off your own pheromones that have the ability to turn most women to putty. Why you think I got lucky all the time before I met Marie - my charming personality?"

I sniggered. "Yeah right."

For that I got a nudge upside the head. "Anyway, that's okay. The animal urge control is something I can teach you to control. This fighting in the forest though," He shook his head, "You must be fucking stupid."

I buried my head in my hands.

"What if one of you were injured out here? What if you lured some dangerous animals from your playin' around and bleedin' all over the place? It's not safe. The last thing I'd want is somethin' happening to you cause I didn't look after you right."

Damn. Now he made me feel bad. It was moments like this he felt more like a brother than a mentor. I sighed, nodded, and Logan grabbed a handful of my hair and scruffed it around roughly, carefully, before slapping my shoulder. I got to my feet with him, rubbing my neck nervously.

"Dude... what I do?"


I eyed him. You know what I mean, man!

"Oh... right. Sarah." He nodded and sniffled, "Take her out for a movie. You touch her the wrong way and I let Cyclops take care of ya."

Oh he let out the Cyclops threat. He's serious. He knows how I dislike Cyke's way of doing things. Don't get me wrong, Cyke's a cool guy, but living under his regime would be hell for me. I looked bewildered and he pointed at me.

"You're both too young."

I sighed. "Are you saying that just to cover your ass?"

Logan ticked a brow. "No, I mean it."


"Yeah. Get inside."

I went inside, to my room. I was one of the few people with a single room, but the Professor understood that I needed my privacy lest I go ferally insane. It was something I ad no control over, and he was real understanding about it.

I threw on some music and kicked back into bed, hoping the wild raging feelings inside of me would just go away. God. Not touching Sarah. The idea seemed impossible to me. No no no, get a hold of yourself, Max, I thought. You're a respectable young guy that any mother would feel safe letting her daughter out on a date with.

I stretched my arms, and caught a look at the dark claws curving from my felineque fingertips, and a dark feeling washed over me. I didn't look like a respectable guy.

Ya rise above it, that's what Logan says. Rise above it. Still, I couldn't get rid of the picture of blue eyes from my mind's eye.

poster: Jen
date: 1 August 2001, 11:26pm EST

I’m no blushing virgin, but shit... if Logan hadn’t come along I’d have had sex with a complete stranger in the middle of the woods. I’ve done a lot of really stupid things, but this takes the cake. The thrill of the hunt, the feel of him over me, his breath on my face... It was intense and savage and wow... just wow. I’m not sure whether to kick Logan’s ass or kiss his feet for breaking things up

"Hey, you’re...Whoa. What the hell happened to you?" Cassie breathed.

Oh, and then there’s my roommate. Guess I’ll go with the obvious. "Max and I got a little umm... out of hand," I replied stripping off my shredded and bloody clothes.

"A little?"

I didn’t bother to answer her. I just grabbed a towel and my shower bucket. Maybe I can get myself under control after a shower. If I weren’t cold blooded, I’d make it a cold one.

I took a quick shower and, ignoring Cassandrea’s questioning glances, plopped down under my lamp to think. I love the lamp. It’s nothing special really. Just a green architects lamp that my brother Dave bought it for me when we first figured out what was wrong with me. He delivered it to my quarters and whispered that he’s put a special bulb in it, ‘Just for lizards like you.’

I miss Dave. He’d be able to tell me what I should do because right now what I want to do is hunt Max down and finish what we started.

"I need to talk to her," Logan snarled at Cassandrea. "Alone."

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked once Cassie fled from the room. "Why the hell haven’t you put any clothes on yet?"

"I’m sunning. You got a problem with that?" This lamp must be roasting my brains. He didn’t yell at Max for very long, not if he’s up here already, so maybe I’m not in that much trouble. But now that I’ve mouthed off...

Logan shook his head, not sure how to talk to her. Talking to Max was easy. Max he understood. Sarah was a great big question mark and he meant what he said to Max about the pheromones. She was still giving them off. That and she was sitting there in nothing but a towel. Growling, Logan reached forward and snapped off the lamp. "Dressed now."

"Yes, sir," I snapped, with more than a little sarcasm. Going to the dresser, I dropped my towel and pulled a tank top and running shorts not bothering to see if he turned around. He’s seen it all before. And it might just keep him off balance. I need every advantage I can get because Mr. Logan’s looking good to me right now.

"Just what the hell were you thinking? You could’ve been seriously hurt. Didn’t you see his claws?"

"Yes, sir. I saw them." Minimal information. Good. You haven’t completely lost your mind. Just your self-control.

"And that didn’t make you nervous?"

"No sir. I can hold my own."

"Look kid," Odd, he sounds more exasperated than angry. "Playing in the forest is dangerous."

"Game’s no fun without a little danger, sir."

"Game? You think that was a fucking game?" Okay. He’s angry now. Well done, Sarah. "What would have happened if I hadn’t come along?"

"I might have gotten lucky, sir." Mental note - have smart-ass comments check-in at brain before being released to the mouth.

The girl’s insane. That’s it. Insane. "You make a habit of fucking the first guy you come across in a new school?"

"No." Okay, in addition to being all...whatever from before now I’m mad too. "Technically, sir, he’s the second. You were the first." Ooh bad answer. Very bad answer. He looks like he wants to rip me limb from limb right now.

"Did ya give any thought to birth control? Or were you completely stupid?"

I blushed and looked down. That was the last thing on my mind. Actually, there wasn’t much on my mind. I let the sensations of the hunt overwhelm me in a way that never happened before. I don’t know how I’m going to face Max tomorrow.

Logan sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Yelling at her and making her feel like a tramp wasn’t going to solve the problem. "We the first mutants you’ve met?" he asked sinking down on my bed.

"Yeah. Sir, I’m not... I’m not what you think I am. I’ve never had a reaction like that. Not to anyone. I never, ever act like that. I’m always in control. But Max and I - we were fighting... and I don’t know what happened. The tastes, the smells, the sounds... It was... overwhelming... It was like I needed..."

"To mate," he finished.

Oh god. He didn’t just say that did he? And why does it make perfect sense?

"If it means anything, he feels the same way."

"That doesn’t bode well for us keeping our hands off each other." I said smiling wanly. "Does it?"

That got me a chuckle. "Probably not, but you will."


"Keep the fighting in the gym, for starters."


"And keeping your clothes on might help."

"Damn, " Sarah replied winking at her mentor. "You play hardball."

"You ain’t seen nothin’ yet."

poster: Amezri
date: 1 August 2001, 11:17am EST

OOC: Sorry I've been MIA, guys. I think it gave you some time to *ahem* flesh out your characters? 'Sides, Cassie doesn't really fit in with the whole Sarah/Max dynamic

Cassandrea barely had time to get out of the room before Logan slammed the door behind her. Not knowing how long Logan's lecture would take, she walked through the deserted halls towards the kitchen for a snack. /I hope Sarah comes out of this in one piece. Then again, she seems tough enough to take whatever Mr. Logan's willing to dish out. On the other hand--/

A hand reached out of the shadows and grasped her shoulder. Cassandrea let out a startled shout and whirled around, globes of water swirling in her hands, prepared to defend herself.

"Guten abden, fraulein."

She scrunched her nose at the smell of sulfur. "Don't do that, Kurt!" she growled, dispersing the liquid orbs and swatting his shoulder. "What're you doing here?"

Kurt Wagner had arrived at the School a little over a year ago from Germany. His mutation was more prominent than anyone else at the school: indigo fur, pointed ears, sharp fangs, and yellow eyes. He wore special gloves and boots that accommodated his three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. The 19 year old even had a tail. Most of the younger students were afraid of him and a lot of the older students just ignored him. Cassie was one of the few friends he had.

"Sorry," the elfish mutant grinned. Kurt knew it annoyed Cassie when he snuck up on her, but that was part of the fun. "I visited your room, but Logan was in there yelling at your roommate. I thought it best not to interrupt." Actually, Max had tipped him off that Logan was on a rampage and was headed off to yell at the fair Sarah. Cassie was most likely getting tossed from her room.

"Good choice." Cassie continued towards the kitchen, Kurt tagging along behind her. "So, what's up?"

He trotted up beside her. "I was on my way outside for a walk. Care to join me?"

"I thought you liked going out by yourself?" Cassie used to ask him if he wanted company, but he always refused. She stopped asking.

Kurt shrugged. He'd been trying to get Cassandrea to take a midnight stroll with him for the last month, but she always had her face glued to that computer screen of hers. "Will you accompany me?" he asked again with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Yeah, Kurt, I'll accompany you. Just... no *bamf*ing, okay?" she said jokingly, referring to Kurt's power. /You know, he's pretty cute... in a fuzzy elf kinda way./

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