The Golden Nox

X-Men: Mutant Academy: Part 40


Posted on: 12:58 am on Jan. 12, 2003

OOC: Poor neglected Angelica its been a month... Oops. And sorry to Nacey if we had some major Freda character assassination.

I wasn’t feeling particularly hungry at dinner, so I just grabbed a bowl of tomato soup and some crackers before finding an empty table. I really didn’t mind the solitude, I had to decide which piece I would use for my winter tour audition, and having people talking to me is quite distracting.

But I suppose Alex doesn't understand that concept. Just like he doesn't understand the statement 'go away and leave me alone.' He was rambling on about basketball of all things, and he didn’t seem to notice my lack of interest or response as I sat silently looking over my sheet music and sipping my soup.

He asked through a mouthful of mashed potatoes and peas. “God! Do you look up from that music? Or smile?”

I shot him a murderous look, “I smile when something amuses me, right now there is no need, the music does not amuse me but it does interest me.”

“What does amuse you or interest you, besides the music?”

God, he just won’t take a hint, is there something wrong with my ‘I don’t want to be bothered vibe’? “Art, Picasso in particular, though I prefer the work of impressionists over the majority of the abstract artists.”

“Oh of course.” Poor boy doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. “I don't take Miss Rogue's art class. It's at the same time as Mr. Summers teaches mechanics. We're rebuilding a '66 Porsche 911.”

"Fascinating," I answered dryly returning my attention to Opus 23.

“Once we're done, we'll all get turns taking it out for the evening. Would you like to uhm... go for a drive in it with...uhm... with me, sometime?”

It was cruel, I knew it was, but I laughed, not very loud or for very long but I definitely did. “Are you seriously asking me out on a... on a date?”

“Well… yeah, I was.” For a moment he looked like a wounded animal but then he continued on, “You really are a bitch. I thought the guys were just jealous because they couldn't get anywhere with you, but they weren't. You're the ice princess they said you were.”

Well that was unnecessary, and it caught me off guard, I could feel my throat tighten a bit but I refused to let it affect my voice as I asked, “Wait, what guys?”

“The ones in our classes. You know, the six of us.” He crossed his arms and gave a grim smile.” At least I know it's not just me. We're all beneath your notice.”

“Well can you blame me?” I muttered.

"Oh no. Who could blame Queen Angelica for anything? I can't believe I told Brian he was out of his mind when he said Sarah was nicer than you. Enjoy your soup," he spat, getting up from the table.

“Nice to know I’ve been promoted,” I called after him. I got some strange looks from the people around us, but I shrugged and turned back to my soup and music. Of course now the soup was cold, and I couldn’t focus on the notes in front of me. Was I really worse than Sarah?

No. Not possible. Not in the least. He just said that to... to what? Hurt my feelings? That had to be it, its not like it could possibly be true. With that resolution I stood, leaving my music and went to get some more soup, I wasn’t going to let a toad like him ruin my dinner.

But she might. I sighed and lifted my chin. I was not going to let the furry barbarian girl from the phone run me off from my table.

Determined, I crossed the floor and sat down exactly as I had been before, she raised and eyebrow at me as she scooped some pasta into her mouth, I mirrored her actions with my soup. I would not back down.

“You fight with your boyfriend in the cafeteria on a regular basis or was this a special occasion?”

I glared at her, but it was hardly full force, “He’s not my boyfriend,” I paused blowing on a spoonful of soup, “My…boyfriend goes to Juliard.”

And that’s true, or mostly true, we’re dating at the very least. At least until Saturday.

“Must be nice to have guys lining up to be with you.”

I scoffed, “I wouldn’t call it a line.”

“More then I'll ever get, I'm sure.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, I mean look at my roommate, she’s got a boyfriend, I think that’s a sign for everyone not to underestimate themselves.”

“Which one's your roommate?”

“The word freak is all encompassing, she voluntarily dyed her hair green. Green! Is she going for the ‘attacked by chlorine’ look?” I paused, “Sorry, she’s just very bothersome.”

“I know her. I've run into her and her boyfriend all over the place. Not even the kitchen is safe.”

I sighed, "I have to be on guard entering my own room."

“I think you have to be on guard anytime you walk into any room around here.”

I nodded, “It’s the sad truth.”

“By the way, I'm Freda and I... I'm sorry about before -with the phone and all. I'm used to having my own phone and my own room. I guess I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting.”

“I understand, I had my own room here and then I go away to tour for a few months and while I’m gone Annie moves in and takes over my space.”

“My roommate wasn't too pleased with me moving in, but she's been bright enough to keep her mouth shut. It's not like I got a choice.”

I nodded taking another large spoonful, “How long have you been here?”

“A few days. I'm still getting lost.”

“Well, if you’d like, I could show you around, I’m sure you got the full tour but its rather hard to pay attention your first time at a new school.” Look at me, I’m being helpful, I’m not an Ice Princess, or Queen, or Duchess.

“Sounds great. My brother promised to show me around, but he seems to have vanished.”

“You’re brother?” Now that she mentioned it there was something familiar about her, but I couldn’t quite place it.

“Max... tall, spotted fur. You can't miss him.”

“Oh! Yes, Max. Oh…” I'm sure all the color just drained out of my face. This was Max's sister. Max, who so calmly and casually threatened me with bodily harm, and boyfriend of Sarah who acted on bodily harm. Oh joy, oh rapture.

“There a problem?”

I coughed, “Hardly, Max and I have just had a few disputes, is all.”

“We've had a few hundred ourselves.”

I laughed, “I imagine so. What’s it like having a sibling?”

“Frustrating. Nothing you do is ever new and someone's always done it better.”

“But it’s not all bad is it?”

“No. They're always there for you no matter what. You'll have to listen to their little lecture, but you can always count on them to back you up.”

“Must be nice,” I mused, as an only child I always received attention from my parents, but there wasn’t anyone my own age to interact with, and they traveled a lot, so I became pretty self-contained. I guess I never bothered to change when I came to Xavier’, there really wasn’t any point in making friends when I would be on tour for long periods of time.

“Can be. I've missed torturing Max. Some times I think he's 47 not 17.”

I nodded, finishing off my soup, she looked about done with her pasta, “Ready for that tour?”

“Yup. Lets just stay away from the dark corners. I'd like my dinner to stay down.”

I smiled, “Gladly.”


Posted on: 10:03 pm on Jan. 12, 2003

It was like a bad detective movie from the seventies. We were all in the car, eyes fixed on the big old house on the hill in front of us. What was it with Mutant Leaders? They all had ridiculously huge houses and loads of cash. I was convinced that there was some freaky underhanded drug ring going on or something. Maybe a few brothels or something, or a total pimp network. Who knew. I sighed, drawing my knees up to my chin.

"So, are we gonna sit here admiring the architecture all day, or are we going to go in there and get Cassie back?"

"Sure we're gonna get Cass back, but first we gotta sniff the place out so we know what we're walkin' into," said Logan, eyeing the place with a keen glint in his eyes.

"Uhm... how about just walking in and talking to her? Or is that not in the vigilante playbook?"

Both Logan and I slowly turned our heads and stared at Sarah.

I snorted. "Babe... this woman is the most dangerous psychic mutant in the country. You don't just go in, have a cup of tea with her and ask her if you can please have your mutie back!"

"Why not? We need her help. Staging an assault on her house is not likely to give her warm fuzies."

Logan shrugged, a smirk on his face. "She's got a point, sport."

I sighed. "This is crazy."

"Crazy or not," said Logan, "Here we come." Sarah grabbed my shoulder, wiggling it and grinned. She looked to Logan. "Given that this is my idea, do I get to talk? Or should I shut up and and just watch?" Logan shook his head, obviously amused. "We'll see."

I had a feeling I was *never* going to hear the end of this.


The door to the old house was made of deep redwood, probably a whole tree's worth judging by the size of it. The varnish needed renewal but overall, it was a very pretty door. I paid a lot of attention to the door because it distracted from the fact that at any moment I could have my brain pulverised by a psychic behemoth. It was all I could do not to piss myself. You ever see a cat freak out when there's something in the room they don't understand? Air conditioners, bubbles, ghosts - you name it. Yeah, well, that's how I was feeling, and no amount of human logic could make my fur sit down and behave.

Logan used the silvery door knocker. The sharp clacking sound echoed inside the house. After a moment the sound of hard heels on even harder floors echoed from the distance and right up to the door. It opened with a deep creak.

The woman before us was very dour looking, with her hair flat against her head and pulled back tightly in a bun. Her eyes were as severe as the rest of her, and she wore a drab grey suit. I didn't want to fuck with her though, there was something about her that gave me the willies. One of her brows ticked up as she regarded us.

"Hi," Logan said, leaning on the doorway and looking macho. "We're here to see the Black Queen."

Ever to the point. Somehow I don't think he was charming the lady though. She lifted her brows and looked down her nose at him. A tense silence hung in the air, and Logan's relaxed look faltered. It was the first time I think I ever saw him look like he was going to urinate down his own leg. He double glanced at Sarah, and grabbing her by the shoulders he shoved her forward.

"Okay, do the magic talky thing," he muttered to her. Sarah grinned.

Oh God, now it was magic. You had to give it to her though, she had this powerful woman-energy that kind of spoke to these ladies. Hell, it spoke to me too but not in the same way. I eyed the woman's harsh appearance. Well... maybe the same way for her... I shuddered at the thought. She was not the kind of woman you wanted to have 'naked rolling with other naked women' mental pictures about. What the *hell* was I thinking? OH yeah, my brain short-circuited about the time I started shitting myself. Note to self: never try to face off psychic mutants ever ever again.

"If it's not too much trouble for you to do your job," said Sarah, crossing her arms and seeming a foot taller than she actually was somehow, "I believe we've asked to see Ms. Black."

The woman narrowed her eyes at Sare. "You have a reason to see her?"

"Yes and I wish to discuss it with her."

"All those who see the Black Queen must go through me first. It would be wise to be more forthcoming with your intentions."

Sarah narrowed her eyes back at the lady. "It concerns her other... guests."

The woman was silent for a moment. She then stepped back, opening the door and standing against it.

"You will wait in the salon. The Black Queen will decide whether she chooses to see you or not."

We walked in and my fur began to positively prickle. Why did I feel like a rat walking into a cat's dish? Oh, that's right - probably because I *was* one.

poster: Jen

Posted on: 9:00 pm on Jan. 13, 2003

Well that went… okay. We’re inside and all our limbs are in their original, attached positions and I think my mind is still my own. Although I’m not sure how I would tell if it wasn’t. I probably should have paid more attention to Jean’s lectures on psychic and psionic abilities though since I have absolutely no idea what to expect here and that violates every rule for entering enemy territory.

I don’t understand the reaction Logan had to “Miss Dour.” She’s not nearly as intimidating as Frost and why Max looked like he was going to be ill I don’t get. Whatever it was, he shook it off. Must be something his kitty senses let him pick up on. Wish he’d clue me in.

The minutes stretched on and each of us tried to deal with the wait in our own way. Max is freaking out, jumping at every little sound and Logan is going to wear a hole in the very pricey Persian rug if he doesn’t knock off the pacing and I’m trying to be calm and casual and warm myself by the fire. We are a sorry bunch of rescuers.

This whole thing has taken a leap into the bizarre as if a runaway, homicidal, quasi-possessed, multiple personality roommate and a manipulative, mind-bending businesswoman weren’t disturbing enough, now we’re waiting in a very elegant parlor for the other shoe to drop.

“Will you stop that,” I hissed, my sharp tone halting Logan’s pacing and Max’s claw tapping. “I don’t think Ms. Black will appreciate you wearing a hole in her carpet.”

“Certainly not. I am rather fond of that carpet.”

I got my first look at the Black Queen and was rather surprised. She elegantly dressed, her black suit well-cut and obviously expensive and the black pearls dangling from her ears surely cost a fortune. She wasn’t particularly tall or beautiful, but she demanded your complete attention. Not like she wouldn’t get it anyway given Frost’s warning.

She settled herself in a chair by the fire and motioned for me to join her. A moment later ‘Miss Dour’ entered with tea. Tea Time with the Rich and Psychic. Somehow the history project with Angelica doesn’t seem so bad now. “I don’t generally see visitors without appointments,” she said handing me a cup, which I took, earning my scowls from Max and Logan. Both of them refused her offer.

“We appreciate you making an exception.” I replied, ignoring Logan’s warning glare as I took a sip of the offered tea. She could destroy my mind with a thought; she didn’t need to poison me. Besides, I needed something to do with my hands while I try to place this weird vibe I’m getting. I’m missing something here. Something very important. Something that, from the odd looks Max and Logan are giving Ms. Black and her assistant, they have caught and I’ve missed. Fuck. Too late for ‘shut up and stay in the corner’

“Under the circumstances it seemed prudent for such exceptional guests. It isn't everyday I have so many of the esteemed Charles Xavier's students in my home.”

“Do you have students of your own here?” Curiosity and how many other people are in the building. I’ve seen ‘Miss Dour’ and I scent at least 4 others besides Kurt and Cassie. A level playing field… sorta.

"Not at this time. I found my temperament was not suited to teaching."

“Pity. I imagine you have much to teach.” Like how to make Mr. Logan and Max squirm with a look. I’d like to learn that one.

"How kind of you to say so. However, I do not feel that everyone is ready to learn what I am able to teach."

“Perhaps not. I have had difficulties with some of Xavier’s lessons myself. And then there’s Cassandrea…”

The Black Queen's face revealed nothing; it didn't change at all; even to that schooled blankness that makes it obvious something is being blocked. I felt a chill go down my spine. She wasn’t like Emma at all. Emma wanted something. If Black wanted something, I’m still at a loss to guess what it was. I glanced over to Logan hoping for some direction, but all he did was shrug the message clear ‘the ball is in your court.” Lovely.

“Your Miss Reina went looking for knowledge she wasn’t ready for and is paying the price.”

“And Mr. Wagner brought her here believing you could help. So can you?”

"As I told Mr. Wagner, I will do what I can, but my help comes with a price," she gave me an appraising look and, with that look, I think I put my finger on the weird vibe. The Black Queen’s mouth twisted up in a wry smirk as if praising me for finally catching on. “Mr. Wagner has already organized payment for my... fee. My assistant will show you to your rooms,” she added, rising. “Restoring Ms Reina’s mind is likely to take a while.”

poster: Amezri

Posted on: 12:22 am on Jan. 16, 2003

Selene left Margaret to take care of her newest guests; she had more important things to take care of - namely one blue mutant sitting in her office.

"They're here already?" Kurt said quietly from his seat.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt them." The Black Queen nearly cackled. "You called Xavier."

Kurt nodded. "He's already on his way. Emma?"

A sour look crossed her face. "It took some... convincing, but she will be here within the hour." She stepped forward and draped an arm over the back of the chair. "Now when do I get my payment?" Selene asked, playing with a lock of his hair. Kurt hissed, but made no attempt to move.

"I told you, Selene, not until Cassandrea's been taken care of." His skin crawled at her proximity.

"I could force you," she whispered seductively in his ear.

Kurt growled low in his throat, finally rising from the chair. "You wouldn't get what you want that way." He walked briskly around the chair, out of her physical reach. "I'm going to see Cassandrea."

Selene smirked as Kurt teleported out of the room.


When Kurt reappeared in the hallway upstairs, he let out a deep breath. He hated this place even more than he hated Selene's last mansion. His parents had sent him to the Blackwood Academy as soon as he was old enough, hoping he could learn all about his mutant abilities.

He shook the memories away, continuing down the hall towards Cassandrea's room. The sooner this was over with, the better.

"I think we need to have a talk, Elf."

Kurt froze midstep and turned. "Hello, Logan." He didn't have the patience for this right now.

Logan stepped away from the wall, an unlit cigar in his hand. "You really make a deal with the Black Queen?"

"Professor Xavier is on his way, as is the White Queen. Cassie is going to get the help she needs," Kurt snapped impatiently.

"No need to get your hackles up, kid. Just wanna know what you have to offer that's worth her while."

Kurt glared at the Wolverine. "What does it matter?"

Logan grunted. "All right, keep your secret. Just remember, Cassie's going want to know when she gets better. Women don't like it when you keep things from them."

It was Kurt's turn to grunt and scowl this time. He didn't have time to stand here and argue - Xavier and Frost were going to be here soon. If things went badly, this could be the last chance he had to be with her... to just talk to her. Without another word, he left Logan standing in hall.


Xavier, Jean, and Storm arrived in the X-Jet an hour later. Emma Frost and Domino arrived soon after with Frost demanding a guest suite.

poster: Amezri

Posted on: 2:03 am on Jan. 18, 2003

Jen was asking. And I didn't feel like coding webpages, so...

The three telepaths glared at each other from a minimal safe distance. Emma Frost had been summoned from her suite and she looked none too pleased. Charles Xavier exuded his usual calm facade, blocking his true thoughts from the other two in the room. The Black Queen sat at her desk, tapping her nails on its highly-polished surface. {None of this is helping the girl,} Selene projected.

"You're right. We should plan the treatment very carefully," Xavier said.

Emma rolled her eyes. "As if you have the slightest idea how to go about this," she hissed.

"Well, *you* certainly don't," Selene taunted. "Individually, none of us have the ability to repair the damage done to her mind. If the alteration had been done properly," she eyed both Xavier and Frost accusingly, "there would have been no need for this."

Xavier cleared his throat. "Ms. Black, if we could please get to the business at hand."

The tiniest hint of a frown crossed her face, but Selene continued. "Cassandrea Reina has two personalities in her mind--"

"We know this already, Selene," Emma interrupted.

Ignoring her former colleague, she continued. "The Hydra personality that you, Emma, helped strengthen has been toying with Cassandrea's true self. I believe Hydra's ultimate goal is to take over Cassandrea's body completely."

There was a soft sound like a whisper as Xavier's wheelchair rolled across the carpet. He placed himself close to Selene's desk. "I have been inside her mind. Hydra will not let her go easily."

"No. And that I why the two of you are here." Selene rose from her seat, hands resting lightly on the edge of the desk. "We will have to work together, not against each other."

"Agreed." Xavier nodded with a slight tilt of his head.

Emma made no move to either leave or join them. "What does she matter to you, Selene? Why didn't you just dispose of her and be done with it?"

"Mr. Wagner and I have come to an agreement."

"You? An agreement with that..." Emma let out an incredulous laugh. "What could he possibly have to offer you? You would never do anything out of the goodness of your heart."

Selene headed for the door, motioning for Xavier to follow her. "It is not your concern, Emma."

"Oh, I think it is." The White Queen quickly placed herself between Selene and the door. "What are you getting out of this, Selene?"

{It is *not* your concern,} Selene drove forcefully into her brain. Emma merely shrugged it off.

{It is my concern if I must risk my life. Otherwise, why are we all here?}

{*We* are here fixing *your* mistake.}

Beaten, Emma stepped wordlessly out of the way and allowed Selene and Xavier to pass without another word.

poster: Jen

Posted on: 11:16 pm on Jan. 20, 2003

I had to go exploring. Alone. I couldn’t take any more of Max’s fidgeting. I swear, he worries so much; he must be an old woman masquerading in a young man’s body. The worrying is kinda pointless, if you ask me. Either they’ll fix what Emma did, or they’ll have to kill Cassandrea. Hydra can’t be allowed to go free. It sounds rather cold when I put it like that, but there’s reality. Hydra’s a menace.

I peeked in the door and watched for a minute. I didn’t know where I was going when I left my quarters, but it doesn’t surprise me that I ended up here, in the eye of the storm. She looks so peaceful right now, you’d never know that she’s fighting to maintain ‘herself’ in there.

And then there’s Kurt. He looks so lost sitting by her bedside, stroking her fingers. I knocked softly on the door, as not to startle him, holding position and pretending not to notice the way he swiped at his eyes. “How you holding up?”

"As well as I can."

I nodded and the silence lengthened. Not a comfortable silence like I have with Max sometimes, this was strained. I wish I knew what to say to him, how to make this better. As if anything could make this better. She went searching for a way to be strong and ended up helpless.

“Troops are all here. I guess they’ll be starting soon.”

"I guess so... as soon as Selene gets everything in order."

“Kurt, I…” I broke off. I was going to say everything was going to be fine, that they knew what they were doing, but I didn’t believe that. No one knew what they were doing here, they were making Best Guesses and I wasn’t going to insult his intelligence with the platitude. “Can I get you anything?”

"No, I... I'm gonna let you have some time here. I'll be outside."

“Okay,” I mumbled, moving to take the seat he vacated for me. I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile as he left. I’m afraid it came out more like a pained wince though. I wish he’d asked me to go get something. I don’t think I can do this whole bedside-vigil thing.

“Uh Cass. It’s me, Sarah. You wouldn’t believe it, we’ve got all the major psychic mutants here and they’re getting ready to help you put stuff back together up there in your head. Kurt’s gone to check on the arrangements. He’s holding up pretty good, but I know he’ll be much better when you wake up and come home.”

I gave Cassandrea’s hand a tight squeeze when I felt Ms. Black’s footsteps coming toward the room. “I think they’re ready. I don’t know if you’ve heard a word I said, or what’s going on in there, but you just keep fighting her. Just keep fighting.”

poster: Allison

Posted on: 5:01 pm on Jan. 25, 2003

OOC: This would'been up last night but the site was being stupid. Not my fault, I swear And if it messed up, that's cause I was reallllly tired and haven't got enough time to make it unsucky.

I walked down the hall from Cammo’s room, mostly ignoring my surroundings. I understood that he wanted some time to himself so he could pull himself together a bit, but I was still concerned.

The repeated trill of the phone downstairs interrupted my thoughts. I clamored down the steps as I heard the phone ring, I don’t know why no one else picked it up, especially Claire, she loves playing telephone operator.


“Xavier's loony bin. This month's special; 2 for one straightjackets.”

There was a pause before the voice on the other end spoke up, “Is there an Annie Gallagher, I can speak to?”

I stilled for a moment, “Mommy?”

“Annie? Is that you?” the voice became muffled for a second, “Oh Jim, she’s there, she’s really there!”

I could hear the excitement and relief in her voice. “I’m sorry I made you worry.”

“Oh no honey, I’m sorry, we all are, I know we reacted badly, we should’ve handled it better and not forced you away like that. You could’ve been hurt out there or had something terrible happen…”

“Mom, it’s all right, I’m fine, the drive was fun… Did you know that Kansas gas stations have the best bathrooms?”

She snorted a bit and sighed, “I should’ve known you’d be fine, you were always such a responsible little girl. And you’re going to school at Xavier’s, and you’re happy? The comment about the loony bin being a joke… Right?”

I had to laugh, “Mom! Of course I was joking… kind of at least. And yes, I’m taking classes, and I’ve made friends…” I sighed thinking of Cameron and how despondent he looked when I left him at his room.

“Good friends?”

“Yes, good friends with Max and Sarah, and very good friends with Cammo…” I trailed off, not sure how to explain how good of a friend he was.

“Oh that’s nice, sweetie, how long have you been dating?”

I blinked, “What makes you say I’m dating him, not that I’m not, but how did you know?”

“Annie, I’m your mother, no matter what you may think, the umbilical cord was never completely severed and can easily stretch 2000 miles.”

I smiled, “Wonderful imagery mom.”

“So how long has it been?” she asked again.

“Well we’ve only been dating for a week or so, but we’ve been friends since my first day here; he helped me go get stitches.”

She sounded alarmed, “Why did you need stitches?”

I shrugged even though she couldn’t see it; “I kicked my boot out the window and then kind of cut my foot on the glass when I went to go get. No big deal really, and I got a pity friend out of it.”

“You always were the sharpest crayon in the box weren’t you?” she sighed.

I laughed into the receiver, “What can I say, I’ve got a shallow gene pool.”

Maybe I shouldn’t have brought up the genes thing, mine being mutated and all, cause she got quiet for a moment, before continuing on.

“So can I speak with the worthy young man?”

“Umm, well he’s not here right now… Maybe next time,” even if he were around to talk right now, and in a less wigged out frame of mind, I wouldn’t force this on him with out ample warning time. “So how is 47 treating you? Daddy’s taking you out, right?”

“Yes we have a dinner reservation in half an hour, but we can cancel and catch up you instead.”

“Mom, no, you two go out and have a good time, we can talk anytime, you know where to find me, I know where to call.”

“Are you sure? You haven’t even talked with your dad yet…”

“Tell him I love him and I’ll talk to him next time, now go, before I hang up on you.”

“All right honey, we’ll talk to you soon.”

“I love you mom. And oh, could you not tell the guys about Cameron? I’d rather do it myself, you know?”

“I understand,” she said sagely, “We love you too, bye honey!”

I heard the click as she hanged up the phone, thousands of miles away. In some ways I was more homesick than before, and in other ways, less. I didn’t really understand what I was feeling, and I didn’t feel like analyzing it.

Instead I decided to head to the kitchen and grab some dinner to bring Cam, assuming he was still up in his room and hadn’t gotten some already. Maybe we could just have a mini-picnic away from everybody and get his mind off the water.

We might run the risk of Logan throwing another hissy fit but I was willing to chance it.

poster: Angelface

Posted on: 11:42 am on Jan. 27, 2003

OOC: This was like serious group effort. Thanks girls.

“…and this is the music room.” I said rather stupidly. Obviously it was the music room, why else would there be a grand piano and music stands.

"Do we have a band here?"

"No, just assorted students who play. A few of us give lessons to younger students who show an interest."

"Does Max teach guitar?"

I started at that. I didn’t even know he played an instrument. I never would have guessed, but I suppose if he were going to play, it would be the guitar – or the drums. They’re both equally pedestrian. “I don’t think Max does anything that doesn’t involve her. ”

"Her? Oh duh, Sarah. Yeah, those two are gross together. Its so much easier to talk to them when they aren't in the same room as the other."

“No offence, but I’d rather just avoid them completely.” I grimaced. “They don’t like me very much.”

She raised an eyebrow, "It seems pretty mutual...”

"I have my reasons."

"Your problem is that you don't understand them. Or Max anyways."

"What's to understand? She's unstable, in his eyes she can do no wrong, and they… well, they're loud."

Freda folded her arms. "That's unfair. Their mutations give them different psychological make-ups than us. I can't say much about Sarah, but Max has had to put up with being cat-like ever since he became a mutant. Can you imagine what that's like? Having your humanity warped around you? Having your normal hands change to virtual paws? In not being able to stand in an elevator because the smells of cologne and perfume make you sick?" She snorted. "It's not just that either! He can't even have a regular human relationship. He's catlike, and he can't help it!" She sighed. "I'm sorry... it's just... he's my brother."

I stood there in shock. I always assumed they behaved like that because they chose to, not because they were genetically inclined to that kind of thing. I guess Rogue’s comment about having a note from the doctor wasn’t just the flip answer I assumed it was. I’d never considered well any of that. That once they were human too. I can ignore my ‘gift’, they can’t. “I know and I won’t talk about it with you anymore. I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable. Just,” I added trying for a smile, “Please don’t ask me to be all friendly with them. At least not yet.”

Freda nodded. "Sure. Do yourself a favour, just so you don't get all hurt or upset by stuff that Max does. Go get a book from the library on wild cats. It has all you need to know."

“I’ll do that. Can you run interference until Saturday though? I have a date and I’d like to live long enough to go.”

Freda grinned and threw an arm around my shoulders. I tried not to jump. She’s quite demonstrative, I suppose if we’re going to be friends I’m going to have to learn to deal with it. I will certainly be investing in a new lint brush, that fur of hers gets positively everywhere. "No problems. I'll ask him to lay off for a bit till then."

“So what’s next on the grand tour?”

I paused for a moment, "I don't know, is there anywhere else you'd like to see?"

“Sarah mentioned something about a weapons locker, but I don’t suppose that’s your thing. How about the kitchen? I could use a snack.”

I didn't see a reason to comment on the fact that we had finished dinner a scant hour ago as I consented, "The kitchen it is."

The kitchen was occupied with 3 giggling, flour covered girls. “Claire, Jamie, Maggie… what are you doing in here? Who gave you permission to use the stove?” I asked rather testily. Two fire extinguisher events in two days are a bit more than I can handle and these three are a disaster waiting for a place to happen.

"Angelica, we're making brownies, we have to use the stove!" Claire said plainly. "We're following the directions too... Mostly anyways. Annie said that you have to follow most of the rules but you can bend some of 'em," she continued.

I pinched the bridge of my nose feeling a real migraine beginning. Of course Annie was involved in this. How could it be otherwise? “You couldn’t find any treats in the pantry? And aren’t you supposed to have an adult with you when you use the stove?”

Maggie spoke up now, "Angelica, Claire's almost 11!"

"And Annie said she was baking on her own when she was seven!" Jamie broke in.

Claire nodded in agreement, "It's true."

“Geez Angelica, give ‘em a break.” Freda snorted, stepping forward to take a swipe of batter from the bowl. “Not bad,” she pronounced.

The girls beamed and I gave up. I was just going to make sure I was near an exit for the next hour or so incase they managed to screw up and set the mansion on fire. “Just be careful, ok?”

“And drop a brownie by my room before you go to bed,” Freda added, taking another swipe of the batter.

"Ok!" Claire agreed.

“We’re not supposed to have food in our rooms,” I said. Perhaps Freda wasn’t aware of the house rules just yet.

Freda rolled her eyes and proclaimed loudly, "This place really is hell," eliciting giggles from the girls.

I shot her a disapproving look and turned to walk out of the kitchen, only to run into my roommate. This just wasn’t my night.

"Hey Angie."

It was on the tip of my tongue to correct her, but why bother. She knows my name; she just does it to annoy me. “Annie. Have you met Freda?”

"Not yet, you're Max's little sister right?"

Freda smiled a little. "Yeah. I'm going to be Max's little sister the whole time I'm here huh?" She looked to me. "Has he made that much of an impression?"

“He’s kinda hard to miss.”

Freda nodded and sighed. "I seem to be though. Can tell me where the hell he is then? I haven't seen him all day."

I frowned. “Sarah didn’t show up for classes today, but that’s not all that unusual.” What is usual is Max; he doesn’t generally cut his classes and the boys hall was too quiet for them to have been there today. I mentally shook myself. I was going to try to be cognizant of their genetic predispositions. I should start with the noise issue.

Freda nibbled on a nail and her furry brow wrinkled. "Damn."

"Cassie and Kurt are missing too," Annie said thoughtfully.

It is never a good sign around here when people go missing. I think that’s why Xavier has those scheduled mealtimes and curfew, so he and the staff can put eyeballs on students several times a day.

Freda gasped. "They're his friends right? Oh man, he's gone, I bet you he's gone. The stupid jerk!"

"Shit, they went after her. You KNOW they went after her."

Okay, I was kidding about the migraine before, but not now. Hopefully this bunch won’t do something equally stupid like go after the rescuers.

Freda began to shake and pace on the spot, tears coming to her eyes. "It was one thing living at home and not knowing about this shit till after it happened but damn it!"

"Do you think the Professor knows?"

Freda looked like she was trying very hard not to cry.

Time to be the voice of reason here. “I’m sure if Kurt and Cassie got out of the isolation chamber in the med lab, Xavier is aware of it.”

"But Max and Sarah..."

“Will be just fine. In fact, if they have gone after Kurt and her roommate, I pity anyone who gets in their way.” Annie really is getting emotional over this. I guess it’s to be expected given the condition Cameron was in before. “Where is Cameron? I was sure you two would be joined at the hip now that he’s recovered, or has he vanished too?”

Something flickered over Annie's face; I wasn't sure what it was. "He's up in his room, I'm just nabbing some dinner."

“Then why don’t you do that?” I winced as there was a large crash and clattering in the kitchen followed by giggles and an “Everything’s fine!” shouted in our direction. I didn’t need to point out that if everything were fine, nothing would be hitting the floor. “I think they could use some assistance in there.” At her quizzical look I elaborated. “Claire thinks she has sufficient knowledge and has branched out on her own. As her teacher, I think some supervision on your part is in order.” I heaved a great sigh, as Annie didn’t move, she just kept twirling her hair. “I’ll go make sure The Professor or Mr. Summers is aware of Max and Sarah’s disappearance. Now please go before they destroy that kitchen.”

Freda stood there looking lost. "Uhm... I guess I'll go watch TV or something..."

“Relax Annie. I’m sure everything’s under control.” Oh how I wish I actually believed that drivel.

poster: cammogirl

Posted on: 12:54 pm on Jan. 27, 2003

OOC - sorry that it's so dark. Bad day.

Annie had brought me back to my room. I didn't feel like being here, and I wasn't sure why. I glanced about, and slowly it all slipped together in my mind. I felt uncomfortable, I felt suffocated... I couldn't move... My heart began thumping, and my mouth went dry. My breath raced in my chest and before I knew what I was doing, I ran forward, ripping and tearing at the walls. Pictures of Olympic medallists, surfers, of water and waves and so much blue... it all came down, all of it. I threw my medals out the window, I threw it all out there, I sent my pin-up board of me in swimming togs and at championship swims out after it. Everything that said what I had been before this fuck up, before my mental state had been utterly turned upside down by that freaked out wet bitch, it was gone. Just like it was gone in me.

I felt empty, like a husk. I was empty. I knew it was all I had, that I couldn't go back to who I was. Part of me wanted it, part of me screamed and felt afraid of it. And then I would feel suffocated all over again.

I let out a rough yell of frustration - I wished I could make sense out of it, out of just one of my thoughts. I crawled up onto my bed and began yanking off the photos of the beaches back home. I had missed them so much. Nothing like them here in America... and I wanted them no more. I wanted nothing.

I wanted dry. I wanted a hole. I wanted nothingness. And I didn't want that at all.

I punched at the bedhead, and being someone other than Colossus, I broke something. My knuckle bled, and I sank down behind the bed, pulling my blanket on top of me and curling into a ball.

I sat there and sobbed a while. I used to be so promising a person. Now here I was, in the foetal position, lost everything I loved, a pathetic blubbering mess when there used to be strength and determination and ambition and promise.

It was at that moment, the first moment in my life, that I truly decided that I wanted to end everything, that I wanted to die.

(Edited by cammogirl at 1:03 pm on Jan. 27, 2003)

poster: Amezri

Posted on: 3:16 am on Jan. 31, 2003

Cassandrea groaned as she slipped back into consciousness. She felt numb all over, as if she'd been asleep for days. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. As her vision cleared, she found herself laying in a bed that was not her own with Professor Xavier, Emma Frost, and Selene Black arguing at her bedside.

"That won't work," Frost scoffed.

Selene frowned. "The girl is awake, Emma. It's a little late for cold feet."

"Perhaps if you had bothered to consult me futher, I'd have told you that what you're planning is going to fail," Emma hissed.

"Ladies, please." Xavier moved to halt the conflict. "She is already awake. We must begin now." Through the confusion, Cassie tried to speak again. "It's all right, Cassandrea," he said to her softly.

"They're going to fix me."

"Ha!" Emma laughed gruffly.

Selene shot her a venemous glance before she turned her attention to the girl in the bed. "We will try, if you trust us."

"Yes," Cassie whispered.

Xavier took her hand and smiled at her reassuringly. "We will do all we can for you."

"I don't need you anymore."

Puzzled, Xavier removed his hand. "I think it's time we get started." Selene nodded in agreement, while Emma stood passively at the foot of the bed. "Cassandrea, if you can hear me, we're going to start now. This will all go much easier if you do not block our attempts."


"Don't say a word," Hydra hissed in her mind. "You know what they're trying to do."

"They're going to fix me."

"You think so? You think it's that easy?"

"Yes," Cassie whispered.

"I will not let you destroy me," the phantom sneared.

"I don't need you anymore."

In the planes of Cassie's mind, Hydra threw her head back and laughed. "Of course you need me. Without me, you're nothing. You're weak. Broken."

Cassie felt the three telepaths enter her mind. It was easier to let them in this time, not like when Xavier and Jean had tried at the Institute. They suddenly appeared beside her as if she were with them in the real world.

"You have no power here, Hydra," Xavier said commandingly. Since they were in her mind, Xavier had projected an image of himself standing tall without his wheelchair. To his right stood a vision of Selene Black and on the right, Emma Frost.

"I have all the power I need over her mind and her body," Hydra snarled, steeping forward to challenge them. She looked like Cassandrea's twin, with the exception of dark blue eyes, deep as the oceans. "You are the ones without power here." On the offensive, Hydra snakes ribbons of water towards the telepaths, ready to drown them. If they died here, their minds would be lost.

Selene and Emma easily deflected the tendrils with psychic shields. "We are no strangers to the landscape of the mind," Selene said calmly.

In this battle, Cassie was merely a bystander. She had no experience in these matters... what could she do to help them? /Nothing. I can do -- have done -- nothing./ She was glad that even Emma was here, helping her regain control of her mind. The struggle had been so tiring that she was very close to giving up.

"Cassandrea," Emma snapped, drawing her attention. "I taught you basic blocking methods, did I not? It is time to use them."

Still trying to get a bit of rest, all she could manage was a dazed, "what?"

"This is your mind, child," Selene said more gently. "It is up to you to defeat your aggressive personality. We can only help you reach that goal."

Comprehending all the words, but not knowing what to do, Cassie stared blankly at them as Hydra charged for another attack.

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